Our Toddler Program:

(16-33 months)

This is a busy time for your toddler and they need a variety of activities from which to choose. Our toddler activities are designed to keep your child motivated, active, and inspired. Our staff is trained to supply the judgment your child lacks to maintain your child’s safety. All the toys and equipment are carefully selected for the combined needs of your child—safety and education. Our program promotes intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development. A stimulating environment is created to nurture curiosity and engage each child to explore, experiment, and problem solve.

Toddler Objectives

Physical Development

  • Balance: balance beam, hopping, and dance
  • Large Muscle: climbing, running, and throwing balls
  • Small Muscle: hand-eye coordination activities: puzzles, drawing, and stringing beads

Intellectual Development
  • Language Encouragement: conversation, storytelling, songs & fingerplays
  • Cognitive: matching games, color concepts and introduction of themes
  • Creative: through dramatic play, art activities: cutting, painting, gluing and sensory integration.
Emotional Development
  • Self-Esteem: through positive reinforcement and encouraging self-exploration
  • Independence: providing choices, self-motivation and self-help skills
Social Development
  • Interactive Skills: providing both large and small group activities
  • Behavior Skills: encouraging cooperation

Creative Kids has a well-planned child oriented curriculum. We feel that curriculum development is an on-going process to meet the needs of your child. Each month themes are introduced in your child’s classroom and divided into specific weekly programs and daily activities. Our curriculum is based on the following learning objectives: physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. As your child advances through Creative Kids, the specific skills learned at each level serves as a foundation for learning at the next level.